Come join David Rodriguez as he starts the new year with an Earth-Kind Gardening Series. David is our esteemed horticultural extension agent with 40-plus years of experience and many notable awards.
Whether you are just starting or a seasoned gardener, David will share invaluable insights and practical tips to help you cultivate a thriving garden.
Day and timing: Sessions take place weekly on Fridays from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Early bird pricing: Register before midnight, Wednesday Jan. 29, 2025 and get all 6 sessions for $60. Sessions 2-6 will be available for individual registration for $20 each from Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025.
Session 1 - Jan. 31st - Growing a Family Home Orchard "Fruit Trees 101"
Session 2 - Feb. 28th - Spring Vegetable Gardening: "Tomatoes and More"
Session 3 - March 28th - Turfgrass 101: “It’s More than Mowing”
Session 4 - April 25th - Let's Grow Vitamin C "Patio & Landscape Citrus"
Session 5 - May 30th - Want to Save Energy? "Shade Tree Basics"
Session 6 - June 27th - Growing Summer Color with Texas Superstar Plants